Saturday, January 17, 2009

Death and Poverty:Blessing

Death is one thing i've never understood!It turns things upside down in a minute, crushes the mightiest in a nanosec.

It's weird.
One minute all's well, next pop blows the bubble.

I've never felt true sorrow/dont know how to express it, coz many a time, a relative close in blood, but far away in space and extent of acquaintance departs on the eternal voyage, yet my thinking mind, not having known them in the living, refuses to understand/acknowledge their transgression into the unknown.

Death. It is so close, yet so far in human understanding. It defies emotion, logic, and alas even magic.

But all death is not tragic, it is but an unyielding cycle, so earth-shattering, yet so silent with consequences far reaching, ending in another beginning.

It is infinity personified!

Not all, fear death, and i have believed that i belong to that minority. i have seen it not as apocalypse but as re-birth/re-newal of life, that must nonetheless move on.


i share the 'essence' from a booklet on spirituality, issued by the savitri bhavan, in Auroville:

Death is not the end, it is not something to be feared.

The god of death, by offering us death gives us a rare oppurtunity!

A chance to start out afresh.

He says 'let me free u from all the misery and pain of this current life, i'll let u start over, with a new life and new surroundings, wat more u won't remember any of your past sufferings.

So let us treat death as a loving friend. Accept it willingly when it comes knocking, for wat better gift could any friend offer than such a chance of re-birth?


The context of the poor:

To a poor man fear of death is not simplistic and singular, it is holistic; everyday, every minute represents struggle, sustenance, survival amongst a brutal life.

He is so accustomed to it, that he ceases to worry about it, he amongst all humanity is an exception to this masterful fear.

He lives in the present, in the minute, ironically aware of his every struggling(yet living) instant, something the best of us strive just to near. Such consciousness, such utter lack, of the ability to be distracted from life, is whatwe can only dream of.

At times it guides me, the struggles that my forefathers fought, amidst this realm of poverty to empower me, it puzzles me. At times it blows my mind, at times it freezes my heartbeat in time.

It makes me want to stay where i am, as much as i do want, to break free!

It is life's subtle blessing, hidden beneath a curse, that so many like me, carry unknowing, of ways to harness and wield, this surreal power!

// This article comes as a Tribute and as a beacon of Hope, on the aftermath of passings-away within my family and among my acquaintances.

1 comment:

  1. Mind blowing da, I can see something has made an impact on you, but fail to understand what has shaken you so much... Awesome flow of thoughts man, wandering way beyond the realms of the ordinary or the mundane.


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