Thursday, December 31, 2009

Open Source Lyrics Release// Bestest Friend Hope the Sun is Shining Well

A song to my Bestest Buddies :) Do Feel it true:
Bestest friend, hope the sun is shinin well :)
Bestest friend, happy story could u tell?
Bestest friend time's good as d tollin bell,
With u laughter always seems to swell :)

Could u lessons greater than this, help me learn?
The goodwill n the harmony, makes me yearn :)
Your name always i could yell.
The rainbow seems a joyous tale to tell :)

Come on let the wind blow,
let the tempest come on n throw,
darkness all o it away.

Let the gale wicked lash,
let the storm torrid thrash,
i will shoo 'em all, say go on go away!

Even as the twister does twirl,
meteors upon this jolly deck do hurl,
our fren'ship ll sail on merry unto far faraway :)
Nothin but smiles all o the way :)

Sometimes gray as the storm-clouds it may shroud us now.
It may shroud it now, the horizon.
But the thunder o trust comes rumblin down,
to carve d blackness back now to tear it down.
Joy n faith come together to herald the dawn,
bright n new,right on cue :)

Precious memories o d seas rough we sailed,
the lovely camaraderie that we together hailed,
junctures where our soul-willin-powers failed,
circumstances where v each other bailed
from the bitterness-es;
hand in hand we truth understand:
only magic'll last between you n of me,
our spirits ll together run on so free,
hand in hand fulfillin destiny :)


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Images : A Visit the Rockfort Trichy N the Thanjavur Temple

Hey all,
these are pictures from way back when i was in my first year of college, but which i found striking enough to upload! :)

View from atop the Rockfort, Trichy.
View from atop the Rockfort, in daylight.
The Rockfort Temple
A Beautiful Painting on the Ceiling of a Mandapa at the Thanjavur Temple.
The Entrance to the Thanjavur Temple-Grandeur n Grace!
A portion of the Thanjavur Temple Complex
Statues n Silhouettes :)
The Full Moon Risin Beyond a Gopura!
Main Gopuram of Thanjuvur Temple-Splendid in d evenin Sun!

A Quote Of Conscience

Thoughts deceive us in our angst,
word slip free without consent,
what we wanted so foremost,
is oft conceded to judgement, so very pre-closed,
this is but a fledgling stage,
what would ye consider in roaring rage?

Break free from shackles of pain
that...say i'm mortal;
live life in balance, faith believe;
never anger leave,
upon your sleeve, to yearn release!

Reveal the darkness, accept it, live on.
Don't see the starkness;
truth do harness, know it, live it.

Inhabit the calm before the storm
and be immortal unto eternity,
its demise and till whenst
the final destination is revealed

Open Source Music Release//College-My Extended Family

This is dedicated to all those people at College, who're like an Extended Family to me.
Now Enjoy:
Takin deeper roots n deeper roots n deeper roots
n deeper roots.
Every minute passin
bears the fruits.

This is where my life it did,
it truly begins.
Nothin else now nothin else now,
nothin else is really as divine.

Diversity, adversity,
my capacity finds its bloom.
Reciprocity, truthful affinity
leavin but for smiles not any room.
For truth n love, n life to live,
all of us now, it does groom.

Little memories-happy synergies,
from our thoughts do now arise.
Thinkin about this last cradle,
that i share with my friends n foes.

N happy times that noone forgets to know.
as the moment goes our hearts do grow.
N flowered garlands throw,
up into the air now, now to show
our gratitude to our last common home;

Where we shared
n we dared n
where we never cared,
but for each other cared.
Yet the moment goes,
the moment goes when we're never prepared.

Its a day o thinkin about the times,
singin happy our carin hymns
for each other,
as we walk on past.

The moments slip on too fast.
Time has come to now at last,
leave a rose n say
all our thank you's,
that i wont forget you's.
As the sun paints a lively hue,
let our dreams arrive like drops of dew.

What may come whatever new,
never forget the blessed few,
the times i was a part of you.
You're my family its really true.

You know all o you i love you too.

This is magic livin,
that we all believe in.
This is magic of the livin,
that of us just givin
all we can, all we can.
To reminisce and evoke the joy
like a child on christmas receivin a toy.

Dont you think this is another ploy,
noone's plans i'll ever destroy.
Got to say this now: the world ahoy.
Live forever now, live foreva now,
jus thinkin about the joy!

Open Source Lyric Release// A lil Song About Divinity

This song goes out as a beacon to all o us feelin lost, confused n out o sync wid our feelins- rememb God still cares :)

This is It:
Shudn ask nothin,
anythin o god,
except only
blessings for all.

Coz divinity knows
what to give u wen,
Coz divinity knows
wat to give u not!

If u happen to have got,
everythin u've sought.
Everythin is nought,
u're ina drought.

Soundin my opinion,
as loud as it gets.
Proud in my oblivion,
livin without ny, any regrets

God does care for u,
god does share for u.
If u've been down in d dumps,
yet r not out before o d stumps.

Livin lovely, livin lively.
Givin gamely, smilin sanely.
Tryin tamely, holdin happiness holy,
so divinely, so divinely.

Shudn ask nothin,
anythin o god,
except only,
blessings for all.

Open Source Lyrics: Here i come! //Calling All Friends In Existence :)

Hey u music fans n artists out there, if u can make magic out of melody n are lookin for just the lyrics to do that, here i am! i'm gonna be releasin my lyrics open-source: u can read 'em, u can sing 'em, u can record ur own versions n improvisations n i'll be more than glad to lend u my sheet o lyrics :)

So here's d first song o mine goin open to all! Its dedicated to all those Friends who make my life Awesome :) Here tis:

Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal.

Its a spur o d moment-in an instant thing,
the will to thank 'em for d happiness they bring.

Falling in places,
Mistakes mine make me.
Failing in phrases,
As my will be thankin thee.

Times of fruitless longin,
times that i wished to end it;
all those are finally now jus gone!
Wonderful feelins of belongin,
dat make me go on so simply splendid
(ever on).

My beacons in d deadly desert storm,
that guide me thru d tundras warm.
Spirits dat keep me out o harm,
in a towering tsunami calm.

Is it silly to always wanna be wid dem?
Even if they r jus too busy then.
U can ask me y bother wid it then?
Like a mother takin care o little men.

Jus wanna be wid dem!
Its trust implicit dat does stem,
hope n harmony at d helm,
wat it leads to is friendship's realm!

But there are sometimes wen v don jus agree,
dere are d times dat v wanted to be free.
But d more n more dat v do disagree,
v find its only together thats glee!

Hold all our hands together now.
Goodwill n blessins do gather now.
Its now d time to show it now.
Wonderfulness n trust to share it now.

Wish ye all a merry christmas,
dont u ever miss it friendliness!

Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal."