Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Open Source Lyric Release// A lil Song About Divinity

This song goes out as a beacon to all o us feelin lost, confused n out o sync wid our feelins- rememb God still cares :)

This is It:
Shudn ask nothin,
anythin o god,
except only
blessings for all.

Coz divinity knows
what to give u wen,
Coz divinity knows
wat to give u not!

If u happen to have got,
everythin u've sought.
Everythin is nought,
u're ina drought.

Soundin my opinion,
as loud as it gets.
Proud in my oblivion,
livin without ny, any regrets

God does care for u,
god does share for u.
If u've been down in d dumps,
yet r not out before o d stumps.

Livin lovely, livin lively.
Givin gamely, smilin sanely.
Tryin tamely, holdin happiness holy,
so divinely, so divinely.

Shudn ask nothin,
anythin o god,
except only,
blessings for all.

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