Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release // After the Deluge What?

In a world of calamities and catastrophes-when predictions of Doomsday Abound-when fears of which are not totally unfounded :(
Amidst all this...this song searches on..for Light..for Relief..for Hope :) Here we go now!


After the Deluge wat?-4.

No point in givin aid'belated...
No point in helpin-wen they're hated!
No point in tryin-wen they're cremated...

No point replyin, wen forfeited!
No point replyin...wen forfeit(en)!

After the Deluge wat?-4.

No point in givin aid'belated...
No point in helpin-wen they're hated!
No point in tryin-wen cremated...
No point replyin, wen forfeit(en)...!

After the Deluge wat?After the Deluge wat?-4.->wat?wat?wat?wat?

I ask you a quest'n wat'is to be-left in our hands to be done?
All battles have been done n noone's jus won,
n scorchin like the center of the sun;
Its scorchin,scorchin like the center of the sun!
N i dont,
Intend now-
It has not..
Come(to)close'as'it has begun!

After the Deluge wat?After the Deluge wat?-4.->ah.ah..at?

N then the question's open, for all the people gropin';
Its for everybody to open your hearts n give!
Its for everyone'i ask, the question's open-
for changes to happen within your soul...!

N givin' but your.. little bit, to reconstruct; the suicide havin' stopped!
Its my life's wish...that we can live together...IN This happiness whole!

I came.. askin the same question..;
Same question...over again!
Send me your heinous tool-i wanna find-out...wat propriety we n'they..'give...
For innocent people-killed so so soon-they hadn live..d!
To be given a chance of..get to go n inside live...
in heaven's gate, within of heaven's gate;
In your mother's heart, within your brother's influence!
To live-stick together-the(whole)family'bee'in as one;
N noone bein hated'; Noone bein' so ill-fated!
Till everyone turn'theirselves (from)chidin, smilin always!

This is an ambition thats not so simple-its a crusade;
That will not Be..-in one day...-be done..!
As simply as i.. could impose'u'said!
But i will not be'frayed'away from this...!

No matter.. how much-its-gonna be delayed...
I would' be waitin..i wont Be A'fraid!
I wont be bidin, till you are aged!
Its now not jus much,that is-bee'n-simply said;
N its not a'wake to-day;
N its not a'work' for which i am paid!
Its all fit...tin, its the yearnin displayed!
N i hope you could have little-paid up-att..ention to me...;

Played now-plain..-2!

After the Deluge wat,wat,wat,wat?
(From)After the Deluge wat,wat,wat,wat?
After the Deluge wat'(d)i ask you? After the Deluge wat?

No point in-givin aid'belated;
No point in-helpin'up wen hated!
No point in-tryin,cryin...
[crema..ted-wen you'are]-2;

Wen you could have been-fated to be...- a Star,
Wen you could Now have been fated to be a...-Star..!

No point replyin, wen you're forfeited!
No point in-reply...in, without contactin-your conscience,
No point in-reply...in, without contact'in-your conscience;
Without gettin good'hearts into-congruence;
N you can all'of'your affluence'do influ..ence people;

To go..
As one-
To share..-
To grow' as one for one..,
a fami..ly...

A family few'billion strong..
a family six'bill..ion strong!
A price'no bullion can-for which'can-belong...

[As much as unity.As much as unity.As much as unity..
be worth to us now]-2.

Answer me.Answer me..Answer meee....!

After the Deluge wat,wat,wat,wat,wat?-2.

Afte..r the.. De..luge of love-
After the De..luge, that our hearts-are flooded with..?
What do we do now...? What do we do now?
All'can we do now? We'll start with a prayer..
What can we do now? We start with a Prayer..
What can we do now? We'll start with a Prayer!

A Prayer..A prayer..A prayer..-2.


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