Saturday, December 4, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release // ShutterReact

This song is a product of my own demented'ness :P as well as the emotions i felt, in response to watching Shutter Island. It questions the existence of a single and universal 'Reality', and how there's only a few things that are really 'Certain' and do matter to each of us! It seeks to identify ultimately-our Purpose of Existence. So without much ado-lets plunge deep into the mysteries of the mind:


OMG, how does this work?
The world goes-it goes beserk!]-2.

Its a strange world...
Nothing's as its told]-2.

OMG, how does this work?
The way the world goes-it goes beserk.
OMG, how does this work?
The world goes-it goes beserk!

It's a difficulty...comprehending this world;
Layer upon a layer of complexity strewn' agn!]-2.

I say this once,I say this agn
I say this once,once more agn;
I say this once,I say this agn
I say this once,more once agn!

A prayer| i'm hopin for;
Something to relieve me'|from this turmoil!]-2.

Its a world that is too complicated;
Its a world that's too complicated.
Need some'way to; Break through this-2.
Need some'way to; Understand| why..
Why'o'why'o'|why'o'why'o| why..?

Fact is'i'believe in Maya;
But why'do they say? It can happen more'than once...
coz'life i'live'within| within yet'another dream
'Life i'live'within| within yet a'nother stream.
Going..from one infinity'| to another...!
Unknowin| which one's the true deal!
UNKNOWIN|Which Is the TRUE Deal!

Tryin to| my heart;
to Make it turn'to Steel...
Not be'moved'by all;
But i can't get it to stall!
Have to'construct' a Stone'wall..
thats enough'as its tall...

I kind'of make'myself' the zombie| i'know that...
I kind'of feel'things-now'demented-i can't be| free anymore...

coz i've become...A creature| of the night!
coz i've become...somebody' who'doesn'belong; In day'light!
Its an endless thought| forthright.
I need some'thing' of foresight;
To change it; my un-godly plight!

I'm losing all the things'that|(i) remind you;
coz i've lost my...feebl'est restraint!
I'm not anymore mighty;
i've'to walk through'the biggest of lengths...
I'm not anymore mighty;
i've'gotto'walk through'the biggest of lengths...
[I'm still at'the zero-point; Gotto climb'it]-2.

I'm walkin'(an) uncertain'path; i don't know wat i really hath...
I'm walkin'(an) uncertain'path; i really don't know wat i hath...
But'i know one thing, But i know thing; where i go one-thing...

Its'for'certainty that| there's music; Raging within-
And thats' the only thing'that keeps on going..
Its the music'that is'| that'is'still now raging'on;
There's imagination-over'flowing there..

(its) the only'thing thats-keeping me'| a Human..| a Human...
[Now you know... oh'o'oh...]-3.
Now you know'o'oh'oh'oh... 'o'oh...
uh'hum Uh'hum...

Don't be scared| i've just dared...
to change'it dared| into darkness'stared!
Don't be scared| i've just dared...
i've just dared; To change it...i am prepared...

Need'this; Inspi'ra'tion Now..
Otherwise..i' woul(d)n't have-come this far...
This is a war...I fight'this'far;
To make'my life-a meaningful| a meaningful|
Meaningful'a dream!
A meaningful| a meaningful|
a'meaningful'a dream!


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