Sunday, May 13, 2012

Human By Right?

What is man without his illusions?
Without outrageous dreams?
With none but mechanical schemes?
Let to wander earth without surety of hope?

Without his fancies?
Without his childish joy?
Without curiosity and nay-willingness to suspend disbelief?
Caught in a numbing onslaught of fear, despair and perpetual distress?

A mere shell;
In'agony beyond hell-yet oblivious!
In denial pure-
As he tries his weakness, to obscure!

There isn't a more desperate time-
That each this choice must willingly make!

As existence trots the edge-and life's meanings change beyond reason;
The path one takes-defines or destroys!

When ones Blessed less-
In hope can be'more rich;
Can we relent-can we care less?
To embrace'the magic of life-which does truly bewitch?

We must indeed face the darkness- 
'fore we rejoice  in the light;
For our most wanton'needs-never cease to fight;
Lest we become ashamed-to be Human-by right! "

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Open Source Lyrics Release // We'll Laugh and Smile!


One day we'll laugh and smile-
at what we did today!
Looking back in time-
things will'seem okay!


Then we'll know-how good the day was-
Then we'll know-twas good'-it'was!
That we stand for a real greater cause!
Doesn't matter what or when' that was!

Shouldn take a chance-
or let time distance;
I know there's something still-
that can be true!

Its the fact that I didn't| say-
It's real-that way it'll always stay:
That I am more-inspired than enraptured;
that I am more thankful'than soul'captured!

The day was what was' it was!
Starting gray-
then'coloured'a rainbow hue;
with all emotions due-
But of this I always knew-
When I' the lines clear drew!

Pleasant taste;left not in haste.
because'of truth and shining grace!
Steps'we make-I won't retrace;
A Memory'we shan't erase!

Silver upon'the cloud;
Screaming out'aloud!
Simple things don't shroud-
With doubts don't overcrowd!

With miracles'allowed-
Even mortals'-(we) can be proud!

The miracle's alive;
To keep it'-will-I'll strive!
Regret could'never drive-
From hope'I shall'derive!

Knowing' won't we...?'
Still do laugh and smile?

I know I will-
Life's truly'worth those smiles!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Open Source Lyrics Release // This is My sorrow


This is;
My sorrow.
It's no one's;
To borrow.

Play this game;
Live your life-
It's your" to-'morrow!

Black and white-
Nothing is;
Shades'o gray-
Aren't we"Bright?

Shake your hands;
And step your toe.
Take a chance;
N let the world'know!

This is;
My sorrow.
It's no one's;
To borrow.

Not fighting;
Any" more!
More'n before!

Cut it close;
unTil it flows!
Who'cares for'foes;
as'Your power'grows!

Go n hold a rose;
Smile n strike a brilliant pose.
Give it more'n you can get;
Trust'the moment 'fore it goes!

No questions asked;
jus'Do what I'm tasked!
Will your will'be masked?
As I get so' closer?

This is;
My sorrow.
It's no one's;
To borrow.

Trust in a force;
To laws still enforce!
Have no remorse;
ve seen more'n worse!

Whatever happens...
Hold on!
This bumpy ride'is
All'I got'still'to pride;
Just nothing'there to hide-
Let tomorrow; hearts to decide!

Laissez faire';
Random care!
Living' where-
No'devil'can dare!

This is;
My sorrow.
It's no one's;
To borrow.

Keep it within'
Lo'n now be'hold;
Can I ever be sold?
All of the lies I'm told!

Am I? I'm not;
Till I'm-I'm not!
n'Battles fought-
In'the world'of thought;
no'I'Won't give'In;
till Dot."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Open Source Lyrics Release // Who I Am...

Everyone has their inner demons. I do too! This song is about how I react to mine-how I fight and how I resist; how I give into their whims and how I fall - about how I rise again from the brink. And how I believe in a guardian angel, buried in our conscience!

Here goes:

Am I" ?

Need some way to decide;
Find a way to preside;
over this -3.5
oversee this reality.
I keep being'so un'predictable-
to even myself!

Is that a' Blessing-
or is it a curse?
I need to find-
How much of this'
bitter truth'occurs-in it;
I don't know why-
I'm dis-will'ing to be';
The future is a mystery!

Give me-
a chance;
But before'that-
Put things-in perspective...

Give me a bashing-
give me a thrashing;
I do' need to'know-
why I am 'backlashing!

Give me a bashing-
give me a thrashing;
I do need to know' where..
My soul I am stashing' away"!

Wasting'away I am'
Breaking into pieces;
Wasting'away I am'
I don't know why'when'where-
this can cease!
I don't know-
I've got this strange' disease!(o' patience)
I don't know' why I go on'-
this way;
Can't put myself' at ease nomore!

There' is a stain'
with it'comes a' pain-you don't believe;
I feel every' single time-
it is distinct-Is my nature flawed?
Or am I; Being clawed at'by myself?

Dissected and..
Dissected and' intersected-with doubt;
Dissected and' intersected-with doubt!

I don't believe-
I'm upon the right cloud;
I might'be Thinking out' a bit Too Loud!

I need to clear this fog-
I need to steer through" the bog;
I might' need to float on' where I'..
Need something' to hold'on to-
Maybe its you. Baby its you!

Give me a thumbs up'
and hold me'- when I fall!
That is all that' I can ask you;
That is what' I can";
Believe" In you-for us..

I know I'm not' alone at'all-
Not for' all of time-I am not;
Going to call" myself"-
Defenseless-you are there;
Defenseless-you are there!
While you're there-
I can Dare-To challenge myself" again - I can!

Give me the wings' I need;
I can set the' Bells'ringin again!
Give me the wings I' need, right now;
I can fly' right; all the while!

My fairy princess-
You'are precious' All the Time!
My fairy princess;
With you' I've got-God's blessings all!

Even' when I fail..
You're the only one' I count'upon-to bail me';
To turn the Trail'around;
To face the gale-Unbound!
To get a chance' to" astound-
To fly'up far'above from ground!

To be" a; Shooting star!
To be there; Erasing scars..
To go far- On and on!
To wage the war;
Having lost the battle-
Yet"; Fighting on.. fighting on!

Trust in you"-
Just in you!
I wish you knew;
You strew a golden hue..
Maybe' this' is- Too long due;
I'-didn' know'bout me-
Who' I'm; Am becoming..
Who I", am becoming..
Who I", am becoming...
