Everyone has their inner demons. I do too! This song is about how I react to mine-how I fight and how I resist; how I give into their whims and how I fall - about how I rise again from the brink. And how I believe in a guardian angel, buried in our conscience!
Here goes:
Am I" ?
Need some way to decide;
Find a way to preside;
over this -3.5
oversee this reality.
I keep being'so un'predictable-
to even myself!
Is that a' Blessing-
or is it a curse?
I need to find-
How much of this'
bitter truth'occurs-in it;
I don't know why-
I'm dis-will'ing to be';
The future is a mystery!
Give me-
a chance;
But before'that-
Put things-in perspective...
Give me a bashing-
give me a thrashing;
I do' need to'know-
why I am 'backlashing!
Give me a bashing-
give me a thrashing;
I do need to know' where..
My soul I am stashing' away"!
Wasting'away I am'
Breaking into pieces;
Wasting'away I am'
I don't know why'when'where-
this can cease!
I don't know-
I've got this strange' disease!(o' patience)
I don't know' why I go on'-
this way;
Can't put myself' at ease nomore!
There' is a stain'
with it'comes a' pain-you don't believe;
I feel every' single time-
it is distinct-Is my nature flawed?
Or am I; Being clawed at'by myself?
Dissected and..
Dissected and' intersected-with doubt;
Dissected and' intersected-with doubt!
I don't believe-
I'm upon the right cloud;
I might'be Thinking out' a bit Too Loud!
I need to clear this fog-
I need to steer through" the bog;
I might' need to float on' where I'..
Need something' to hold'on to-
Maybe its you. Baby its you!
Give me a thumbs up'
and hold me'- when I fall!
That is all that' I can ask you;
That is what' I can";
Believe" In you-for us..
I know I'm not' alone at'all-
Not for' all of time-I am not;
Going to call" myself"-
Defenseless-you are there;
Defenseless-you are there!
While you're there-
I can Dare-To challenge myself" again - I can!
Give me the wings' I need;
I can set the' Bells'ringin again!
Give me the wings I' need, right now;
I can fly' right; all the while!
My fairy princess-
You'are precious' All the Time!
My fairy princess;
With you' I've got-God's blessings all!
Even' when I fail..
You're the only one' I count'upon-to bail me';
To turn the Trail'around;
To face the gale-Unbound!
To get a chance' to" astound-
To fly'up far'above from ground!
To be" a; Shooting star!
To be there; Erasing scars..
To go far- On and on!
To wage the war;
Having lost the battle-
Yet"; Fighting on.. fighting on!
Trust in you"-
Just in you!
I wish you knew;
You strew a golden hue..
Maybe' this' is- Too long due;
I'-didn' know'bout me-
Who' I'm; Am becoming..
Who I", am becoming..
Who I", am becoming...