Saturday, January 2, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release: Calling All Friends In Existence :)

So here's d first song o mine goin open to all!(again! Re-released) Its dedicated to all those Friends who make my life Awesome :) Here tis:
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal.

Its a spur o d moment-in an instant thing,
the will to thank 'em for d happiness they bring.

Falling in places,
Mistakes mine make me.
Failing in phrases,
As my will be thankin thee.

Times of fruitless longin,
times that i wished to end it;
all those are finally now jus gone!
Wonderful feelins of belongin,
dat make me go on so simply splendid
(ever on).

My beacons in d deadly desert storm,
that guide me thru d tundras warm.
Spirits dat keep me out o harm,
in a towering tsunami calm.

Is it silly to always wanna be wid dem?
Even if they r jus too busy then.
U can ask me y bother wid it then?
Like a mother takin care o little men.

Jus wanna be wid dem!
Its trust implicit dat does stem,
hope n harmony at d helm,
wat it leads to is friendship's realm!

But there are sometimes wen v don jus agree,
dere are d times dat v wanted to be free.
But d more n more dat v do disagree,
v find its only together thats glee!

Hold all our hands together now.
Goodwill n blessins do gather now.
Its now d time to show it now.
Wonderfulness n trust to share it now.

Wish ye all a merry christmas,
dont u ever miss it friendliness!

Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal."

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