Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Open Source Music Release // Its My Sweat, My Blood Baby!

Its my sweat, my blood baby-
it won't go in haste;
won't go a-waste baby-
won't now go awaste!

I will convert every ounce of work,
into rewards-of goodness put at work! :)


It is now a race,
i a'gn embrace!
Its a maddened haze-
i try too hard-erase!

Come-on, do challenge me...
come-on, fate avenge me!-2.

Life aint about a-vengeance,
life its bout emotions.

To be so kind n good,
the way the world it should.

DisLike it...-aint the way we would.
To like it-give it...all the love we could!

Tenderness true forgivance.
Kindness n care-givance!

Believe in it..-all virtue,
the devil can't even..hurt you!

Thats the gist of my life,
at the midst of lovelorn strife!-2.

Get the best out o me now-
while i'm still flesh n blood.
Be a guest mine now-
while i'm full o passio'n flood!

Oh-oh, oh-ho-2.

Welcome times...-well we spent in harmonies,
wen gone are times...that were rent-in agonies!

Gotta trust, must to earn...;
confidence just to learn...!

Oh-oh, oh-ho ; oh-oh, oh-ho!

Gotta truth...-now discern,
human hate-ever to spurn!

Its my sweat, my blood baby;
Its my trust-sacred..confidence baby-2.

I do trust in divine;
Everythin ll be-will be surely fine-2.

It won't go in haste...
wont go a-waste baby!-2.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Turtle Walk 2010 Pics!

Its that time of the year again-In aid of the Olive Ridley: Its Turtle Walk Time :)

Since i've discussed what its about and why we do it, in last year's post, i'll cut to the chase with the pics! These are from the night of January the 25th:
Walkin Onto The Beach-The Night Awaits Us!

Turtle Egg To Hold Onto :)

Turtle Trail on the Sands!

Examining a Turtle Nest!

Collecting the Eggs-To take back to the Nursery :)

An Olive Ridley Nest!

Eggs-These lil ones weigh a tonne! ;)

Three to take 'em to safety!

Mother Turtle In Nesting Action! :)

Olive Ridley Building its Nest!

239 Eggs in The Bag!

Entry to the Nursery :)
Inside the Hatchery: Volunteers @Work!

Me At the Hatchery Entrance :)

The Gang Wrapping up a Long Night Out-4:30am it is!

Open Source Lyrics Release// At the Brink Of Love!

Now you do Have a-lovely rest.
Consider yourself...-to be blest;
To have a cozy nest nearby to sleep-in!

Truly you're the best,
life aint really so much mess'd.
You have a lovin care-filled chest to weep-in!

Let them all, aftershocks all-slowly to seep in.
Life it really rocks, let it to sneak in.
Let lovin there-to smiles-permanent keep in!

Wat am i? Wat am i doin?
Who am i? Why am is still here rue-in?
Happiness always am rescuin!

Know wat is now remainin,
No point in undue regalin;
In Hope always i am gainin!

Am i insecurity feignin?
When falseity is surely wanin,
When happiness-joy is rainin!

Why curb your ambition thats all ablazin?
Why suffocate love when you show its growin?
Is trust now true-worth derailin?

Gone are fruitless searches-whilst silently knowin!
Gonna learn from memories-stop 'em frigidly bein frozen-in!
Times of miracles are now arrivin!

Somethings simple grace-forgiven, to the divine-tis gently akin!
Pointless precedents are traumatizingly thrown-in;
Why stay so faraway, when patience virtuous is you crownin?

Wouldn have as quickly soon-enough been moanin!
Lil pieces-purely kind-enough are wo-ven in;
In humans of soul-willin faith, i still am believ-in!

Tell me the saintly station i'm stayin-in!
Wats emotionally all-complainin;
Is ever surely-subtly still rewardin!

'Tis a peace-
like never been, seen before-Its inner bliss!
A child its kiss!
No feelin like this-so supremely reignin!

Now wat is remainin,
wen i have this feelin;
Beyond human healin!

Its the Brink Of Love-got to Be,
Its the Brink Of Love-got to Be;
That which I am Hailin!-3.