Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// At the Brink Of Love!

Now you do Have a-lovely rest.
Consider yourself...-to be blest;
To have a cozy nest nearby to sleep-in!

Truly you're the best,
life aint really so much mess'd.
You have a lovin care-filled chest to weep-in!

Let them all, aftershocks all-slowly to seep in.
Life it really rocks, let it to sneak in.
Let lovin there-to smiles-permanent keep in!

Wat am i? Wat am i doin?
Who am i? Why am is still here rue-in?
Happiness always am rescuin!

Know wat is now remainin,
No point in undue regalin;
In Hope always i am gainin!

Am i insecurity feignin?
When falseity is surely wanin,
When happiness-joy is rainin!

Why curb your ambition thats all ablazin?
Why suffocate love when you show its growin?
Is trust now true-worth derailin?

Gone are fruitless searches-whilst silently knowin!
Gonna learn from memories-stop 'em frigidly bein frozen-in!
Times of miracles are now arrivin!

Somethings simple grace-forgiven, to the divine-tis gently akin!
Pointless precedents are traumatizingly thrown-in;
Why stay so faraway, when patience virtuous is you crownin?

Wouldn have as quickly soon-enough been moanin!
Lil pieces-purely kind-enough are wo-ven in;
In humans of soul-willin faith, i still am believ-in!

Tell me the saintly station i'm stayin-in!
Wats emotionally all-complainin;
Is ever surely-subtly still rewardin!

'Tis a peace-
like never been, seen before-Its inner bliss!
A child its kiss!
No feelin like this-so supremely reignin!

Now wat is remainin,
wen i have this feelin;
Beyond human healin!

Its the Brink Of Love-got to Be,
Its the Brink Of Love-got to Be;
That which I am Hailin!-3.

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