Thursday, January 28, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// Night Of The Turtle

This one's dedicated to the Olive Ridley-A True Survivor-Having braved Ice Ages and Mass Extinctions-Still Amongst Us-Teaching Perseverance, Faith N Resilience-For being Nature's Sign of Hope personified!

// Note: 'Twas written recently, while upon a Turtle Walk :)
Night of the turtle-2.
Night of the Turtle-2.
Could it be brittle?
Could it be brutal?
Could it beat you, the night of the turtle?

Make it immortal-2,
make it immortal in time.
Open a portal, open a portal,
open a portal to your heart!

Think of the moments-2,
think of the moments true!
Think of the moments so new!
Night of the turtle-2.
Sight of the turtle, totally changin you!

Sight of the turtle-
a sign of hope!-2.
Could you even still-
feel so blue?-2.

Tell me the moments,
wat they would be like?
when you give it-another
time to strike!-2

Night of awakenin now-2.
You wouldn (even) ask me right now,
you would remember the times we love!-2

Night of the turtle-2,
night of the Turtle-2.
Could it be brittle?
could it be brutal?
Could it beat you right now, the night of the turtle?

Could it beat you right now...?
In nature's beauty right now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Open Source Music Release// Lyrical Dilemma Of Emotions

Either you write;
Or give in-to the fright!
Do wats forthright;
Workin into the silent night...

Nobody's right-
i've been wrong so often right here!
Does that make me a nobody?
My emotions they dont soften in the grip of fear!
As the final days-mine are countin down-so near;
Dont expect noone to shed another tear!

Does that make you noone?
Does that mean you know when?
Fightin for feelings overrun;
Does that hurt your loved one?
Portray good n evil done?
Do you feel your world's just like that-now been undone?

You do know melody,
You do know harmony-
Why's that missin in unison?
You do know euphony,
You do know symphony-
But why am i growin so senescent?

Happy lives we have dreamt-
innocent times we have spent,
why do they end with a dent?
Lovely smiles that were incident,
coherence was so inherent;
but am i so ignorant?

Am i so ignorant baby??
Maybe so ignorant maybe!!
My mind does-with strange feats depth-defy me!
Am i so ignorant baby?

I don believe in truth anymore truly!
Am i again so lonely?
Could you now craft me new glory?
All my plans again have be-come history!!

Call it as blasphemy,
Subject of ignominy;
Fulfillin it-the prophecy,
that i wont stay long to see;
That bliss wont belong to me,
No everlastin ecstasy!

Am i livin a soldier's dream alive,
losin the war-holdin its scars?
Clingin upon your shoulders-i do scream now to strive,
soulfully underpar-is my humanity growin sparse?

Maybe i'm wrong baby!
Maybe i just long-maybe?
Wanna just belong -pray be;
Maybe its a song baby!

Its not a feast that i do want of love,
Emotional subsistence will just do;
I'm a crazy beast livin inside o now,
hope patient persistence pure-gets me through!

Wat is so new? Is it new?
Nothin but good intent-not o love-i have unto you!
As the moment grew, is it really new?
Nothin but the trust is important-nothin now-i wish i knew!

So take care now darlin :)
The time o separation's snarlin!
Gotta live in god his mornin-
times o goodbye are now dawnin!

See you in heaven-
if ever i do get there!
I am not bereaven-
'Coz i know you do care!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// Ola-a. O-ooh.Uh-huh!

This song depicts the conflict between a thirst for freedom and adventure and the fear and trepidation of leaving the safety of home!:
Will be a million miles away tomorrow;
Will be a million miles away from you-tomorrow!
Is this the path o life i ve to follow?
Is it the path o mine to follow?

Happiness-cues o it-i have to borrow!
Coz i need a way to-hide my sorrow!

Cant stop thinkin o you-
my heart's too mellow!
Cant even fathom dreams-
without you-hollow!

But i believe o an ancient tribe-
i belong;
That to learn a lesson true-
through bitterness you must throng!

Moments are tickin-by, no time to discern;
circumstances o 'em-right from the wrong!
I am now blinkin-by, could i stay- still so strong?
I know the time is up- quirk o fortune's gong!

If not today-someday tomorrow-this moment'll come!
All my hope-in blindin irony-it'll sum!
A song o melody n memory- 't'll strum;
its tune till lastin doom-my soul it'll hum!

Spectres hauntin my ensemble,
demons tauntin-as i try to humble-fate!
But the circle's spun around-n god doth reiterate;
Hey guardian angel o my soul-without you-
i would be soon-clangin upon hell-its heavenly gate!

Even as i am late-in now ascendin-
i know god's will's still so great!
I will not stay too far as near you;
As i go deaf-i know-i could hear you!
All i do is o trust endear you;
For your magic joy-always fear-leavin you!

Simon says dont go on go away!
My daemon says i'll still for you pray!
But my cheer does live-hey you it does say;
Silence speaks-urgin me to stay...

Ola-a. O-ooh.Uh-huh.
Ola-a. O-ooh.Uh-huh.

Oh come on-ooh-huh-if i may?
Oh come on-ooh-huh-if i stay!
Oh come on-ooh-huh-not child's play!
Oh come on-ooh-huh-dont be grey!
Oh come on-ooh-huh-once for me pray!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// Love's Here To Stay :)

Bein a man o-miraculous memories,
Bein a man of-miraculous memories!
Dream of a billion-incredulous o glories!

Its glory seen through the eyes-
of a fan of life;
Its now a story told by a man-
a man of strife!

Tell me what it feels like-
to be in love?
Is it like mother's warmth to a-
baby in the womb?
Is it like father's trust-
when he knows-you're about to bloom?
Is it like brothers cheek-
when he pranks you everyday?
Is it like sister's charm-
when she prods you gently on?
Or is it like friends their hugs-
when you're bout to face it-doom?

Love's here n love's everywhere!
Its for all those who care now to share!
Love's now-n love's everyday!
Love's lovely-love's here to stay! :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// Confessions

Not jus easy just,
not simply open trust!
Time n again-an open wound confessed;
not easy now bein Second Best!

Now i will take the test,
there aint no takin rest;
Fight on-at your behest,
No bein Second Best!

No use in makin it a mess,
i wont be takin in the stress;
I have to-now take a guess,
will u stay the same-more or less?

My reasons do me now-fail me!
Mysterious-seasons do hail me!
My soul does-alone-trail me!
Concerns of conscience-do-mail me!

Believe in trust,
believe in love;
Believe in-if u must-
believe it now!

A rainbow sparklin high-
I cant give it up now-nigh!
All i do is try-
And call it Truth a Lie!

Wadin through a wavepool,
in wonderful darkness!
I don wanna leave my school,
in a bountiful blackness!

Makin it true, makin it true!
The promises we held pure-as-dew!

In a melody-i;
Gravity defy!
In a malady-i;
Purity deny!

Not jus easy just,
not simply open trust!
Time n again-an open wound confessed;
not easy now bein Second Best!

Gonna be-a Complication;
Gonna be No-Obligation!
Just a Blindin-Fascination;
Overworkin Imagination!
But its-internal Suffocation,
N my humble-Invocation;
for Deliverance from it-the Temptation!

Not just easy just,
not simply open trust.
Time n again-an open wound confessed;
no easy bein Second Best!

Not easy now bein Second Best-
But I'll do it for You-at Your Behest! :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// Art Of War Persists

Art of war persists,
darkness now exists,
ridin into darkness i cannot resist,
the powers all around unearthly!
Na na na.

Time has now ended,
n what has depended ;
On god has now blended back,
into ghastly a night!
But now's the time that i fight for all my rights,
to rescue humanity from all of their plight!

Let me change, let me roar,
let me now a mighty beast become!
Lustin for the taste of blood rushin free,
from my enemies hood;
A warrior cries, risin into the skies.
Destiny Lies to him, as he Tries!

To Battle it,
tries to unravel it,
tries to saddle it, the Monster of fate!
Killin its beatin heart of hate;
Don be sucked in this unholy debate,
the traitor runs now you reiterate, the Truth!

Precipitate n purify this,
atmosphere with Love.
Now is the moment, kill all the demons now...
Now is the moment, kill all the Demons Now!
So let me ROAR in victory!
The world-its harmony-you do become now;
A beacon of light you become Now!

Open Source Lyrics Release: Calling All Friends In Existence :)

So here's d first song o mine goin open to all!(again! Re-released) Its dedicated to all those Friends who make my life Awesome :) Here tis:
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal.

Its a spur o d moment-in an instant thing,
the will to thank 'em for d happiness they bring.

Falling in places,
Mistakes mine make me.
Failing in phrases,
As my will be thankin thee.

Times of fruitless longin,
times that i wished to end it;
all those are finally now jus gone!
Wonderful feelins of belongin,
dat make me go on so simply splendid
(ever on).

My beacons in d deadly desert storm,
that guide me thru d tundras warm.
Spirits dat keep me out o harm,
in a towering tsunami calm.

Is it silly to always wanna be wid dem?
Even if they r jus too busy then.
U can ask me y bother wid it then?
Like a mother takin care o little men.

Jus wanna be wid dem!
Its trust implicit dat does stem,
hope n harmony at d helm,
wat it leads to is friendship's realm!

But there are sometimes wen v don jus agree,
dere are d times dat v wanted to be free.
But d more n more dat v do disagree,
v find its only together thats glee!

Hold all our hands together now.
Goodwill n blessins do gather now.
Its now d time to show it now.
Wonderfulness n trust to share it now.

Wish ye all a merry christmas,
dont u ever miss it friendliness!

Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life so real.
Calling all friends in existence,
calling all friends who make my life surreal."

Open Source Lyrics Release// Song Of Guitar Green-Cant CON Conscience!

Don worry there's only music
n pilin plastic!
Nothin less as good
n quite as drastic!

Two different worlds ,
clasheth there!
Theres no common ground,
if it ever were!

There's only noise o the crowd,
now on this side!
End of the planet,
callin that side!

If the dark side o the moon existed-
In good light;
We wouldn be,
fascinated by the sight!

Everythin now's really endin,
our fate's truly dependin;
On drum's cymbals clashin down,
the music thats smashin sown!

Give Yourself another chance one more,
keep on givin till you got jus no more!
These moments are better than gone befores,
time's a comin to settle it-all our standin scores!

Starlight is glazin,
n trees all ablazin!
Is this wat we wanted?
Is this wat we vaunted?

No quantum no no,
none of peace!
You try to demons ,
all appease!

Go on dance,
wont get another chance!
The livin are ascendin to heaven too early;
'Coz in compassion, care we are growin miserly!

The passion is burnin,
but hopes not returnin!
We need be changin,
a fair world exchangin;

For the one,
we have killed n done!
Really wont have another one,
jus like you cant sell the sun!

Throw your innocence,
vanquish your ignorance to the heavens!
We need repentence,
n truthful accountance; Of our Conscience!

You can con Science ,
but Not your own Conscience now!
You cant Con it now!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Open Source Lyrics Release// To the angel in my Life

I do really miss her,
more than she'll ever miss me so!
She's my only sister
and god will truly bless me so :)

Whatever she does now,
she's always beautiful :)
With a heart of gold,
that throbs with love n compassion full,(so full).

Where my own world does go,
I don't care i'm unaware!
Long as she is with me,
takin care o my own soul :)
Her happiness has bit me,
keepin me together whole!

You can realise the purpose,
of the very universe!
Lookin into her eyes,
full of truth n lively words :)

When you know she's round you,
there's never any tension terse!
For she'll always intersperse,
purity and love-filled verse;
never, never leave u; feelin so adverse!

Whatever she does she's always beautiful,
With a heart of gold,
that throbs with love and compassion full :)

I do really miss her,
more than she'll ever miss me so!

She's got an angel glow,
n mighty god, u already know!
Cause u commissioned her,
to bring me back alive!
Cause u envisioned her,
to make my life to thrive :)
Alive, Alive, I'm Alive, I'm Alive,...
What she does is really make me strive,
To live, To live;
To live, To live wonderful a Life...
Full of trust, honesty;
Happiness n amnesty :)

You're like a dewdrop,
fallin upon a turbulent sea!
Addin purity, addin purity, addin purity
n for the world, cheerfulness to see :)

Open Source Lyrics Release// THE Love Song :)

From the Archives of a time long ago-i give you THE Song:

I want that to be; you are mine
always want that, you are fine,
wanna take you out and dine,
never cross the dreaded line.

You dont know wat it feels like
to be in love with you
i wanna know wat it feels like
to be with you and show you how!

You dont know how you make me feel
my life is spinning like a wheel;
round and round, and round i reel
dont you know my heart you steal!

Cant we like this be forever?
Fall in love and feel together?
floating like a sacred flower,
bloom which did for the divine father?

Cant we be together one?
Long as shines the golden sun?
Happier than me in the world there's none!
As long as you live my heart will run :)

With you all my life i'll share :)
Without u dunno how i'll fare!
My heart is bleeding,don jus stare;
Life is brilliant love is rare!

For you all my love to shower
like a flooding brimming river :)
For you i shall live forever
pouring out my heart and soul!

God is listening he is clever
life is lovely live it now!
Love me now and leave me never,
we can go on we can love :)

Dont you cry n dont you fear,
i am with you n my heart does hear.
We can do it together live;
on this paradise that we call earth.

Love you i do really do;
Live with me and love me too!

New Yr '10 Greeting :)

" New yr's here, its here today! Happiness' due to come and stay :)
Its a debt o time for us to repay!
Hope n mystery have come to stay :)
An occasion to look back n hold onto what u cud, thats good!
Invocation to make em true, all dreams u have, u shud! :)

Another era dawns upon us! Magic smiles they are a bonus!
Hold on tight, the future's bright!
Its another roller-coaster ride,
in what u are now, do take good pride!
Goodwill's the flavour of d season, for a simple happy reason!

We are together in this!
MAKE it joyous, begin in Bliss :) "

A wonderful yr ahead i wish u!
Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal :)